Frequently Asked Questions
Pricing and Insurance: We are currently private pay and do not accept insurance at this time. A superbill can be provided, which you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Reimbursement is not a guarantee and we do not submit claims on your behalf. All services will provide a good faith estimate prior to beginning (clinical judgement of estimated cost of care).
Session Rates: Individual Speech or OT Sessions are $165 for a 45-minnute sessions
Groups: Each group is priced individually depending on the content, materials, and if it is co-treated. Price per group ranges from $50-$75 per child per 45-minute group. Groups typically run in 4-6 week blocks.
Where we treat/provide services: All services are provided within your home or daycare.
Who will benefit: Any child ages 12 month-12 years could benefit from our services. We are licensed Speech and Lanugage and Occupational therapy practitioner who specialize in working with kids with a variety of childhood diagnoses and disabilities. Typically developing children, and those without diagnoses may also benefit from our services in order to refine and boost skills.
Services are individualized based on the need of the child, and the goals are delveoped in collaboration with the parent and child.
Group services provide a unique opportunity, giving your child with access to both Speech and Occupational therapy praciticioners in the same session, while building your child's social skills, group interaction, and access to peer models in a fun and inviting environment. Gather 4-5 kids and we are happy to customize a group based on your needs. Some topics could include toddler play group, preschool play group, sensory group, social skills group/ Zones of Regulation, Handwriting Without Tears group, and MORE!