SPOT Consultation- Face to Face

A face to face consultation is an observation of your in their natural environment and scheduled at a time when supports are needed. Examples of this include: bath time, play time, meal time, transitions, getting dressed for the day, getting ready for bed, following routines etc. Strategies for targeted areas will provided on site and a more comprehensive plan will be created within 1-week to support skills and strengthen areas of need.

Virtual Wellness SPOT Consultation

A SPOT of Therapy is pleased to offer virtual consultations via zoom. After submitting a brief questionnaire, which includes background information and areas of question or concern, a consultation will be scheduled lasting 30-60 minutes. The consultation will be educational in nature, and within 1-week following, child specific and developmentally appropriate strategies will be provided via email.

These consultations as described above are recommended and delivered in a collaborative model with both Speech and Occupational therapy practitioners. However they are also available in discipline specific form (i.e. Speech only and OT only consult).Â